Our visual identity

In order for any brand to be effective, it needs to be consistent. If you change your logo’s colors to better fit a certain marketing material, then it may not be recognizable to your consumers or clients anymore.

Our visual guidelines are put in place not to limit creativity, but to keep our brand identity consistent and recognizable. They will serve as a guide to ensure that our brand’s elements are used appropriately and are cohesive and affective anytime they are used. By using our brand elements correctly and consistently, we will build a powerful and recognizable brand together!


Wizehire logo


The Wizehire logo represents our commitment to a user-friendly approach to hiring.

The logo is a symbol people use to recognize our brand and what we stand for. To maintain its legitimacy, make sure you’re using the approved color combinations and practicing brand guidelines about sizing, spacing, and scaling the logo.




Safe zone

The logo’s safe zone is equivalent to the height of the ‘e’ on all sides. No other typography, text, graphic should overlap this safe zone.

The mark sits in a circle with a “.” of spacing between the mark and the circle border.

Maximum size

Incorrect usage


A strong brand identity succeeds when it's used consistently. To make sure the Wizehire brand appears as consistently as possible, don't misuse the logo in these ways.

To ensure the integrity and legibility of the logo marks are retained, the logo should appear no smaller than 30 pixels in height and the mark no smaller than 16 pixels.
When the logo drops to smaller sizes within the acceptable range (smaller than ~65 pixel height), it is ideal to use a brighter color for the period, such as Periwize Pop (like in the website navigational header). When reduced to 30 pixels in height, the logo becomes one color way.

When the mark is at 16 pixel we have created a special variation with an optimized the line weight to increase legibility.



Palette overview

Color is very important in branding and marketing because it is where first impressions of customers are based. Also, color is the secret in producing a good identity for a company. Colors are more than just a visual aid because colors convey emotions, feelings and experiences.



RGB: 102, 26, 11
CMYK: 34%, 92%, 99%, 51%

Secondary + Tertiary

Primary pairings

For additional color pairings see brand guidelines


RGB: 244, 147, 118
CMYK: 0%, 51%, 52%, 0%

Periwize Pop

RGB: 100, 115, 248
CMYK: 68%, 59%, 0%, 0%


RGB: 66, 12, 2
CMYK: 46%, 84%, 80%, 71%


RGB: 201, 205, 253
CMYK: 18%, 16%, 0%, 0%

Lively 400

RGB: 224, 93, 82
CMYK: 7%, 78%, 69%, 0%


RGB: 5, 63, 68
CMYK: 92%, 58%, 58%, 47%

Salt of the Earth

RGB: 249, 247, 242
CMYK: 1%, 1%, 4%, 0%

Periwize 200

RGB: 238, 239, 255
CMYK: 5%, 4%, 0%, 0%


RGB: 214, 224, 190
CMYK: 16%, 4%, 29%, 0%



Brand fonts

Wizehire has two brand fonts; Meta Pro and Specter that style our headlines and body copy throughout all external and internal facing assets. If you do not have access to adobe fonts, use Rambla and Outift in your google documents.



Our visual guidelines are put in place not to limit creativity, but to keep our brand identity consistent and recognizable. They serve as a guide to ensure our brand’s elements are used appropriately and are cohesive and effective anytime they’re used.

By using our brand elements correctly and consistently, we’ll build a powerful and recognizable brand together!

Adobe Fonts

Body: Specter

Use Outfit if you don’t have access to Adobe fonts.





Headlines: Meta Pro

Use Rambla if you don’t have access to Adobe fonts.

Download the complete brand guidelines to dive into the details.